Acquisitions Policy

This policy covers the archives of the Kilrenny & Anstruther Burgh Collection, a registered Scottish charity, No. 24532 which are under the management of a committee.


  1. To maintain the records, printed and otherwise, of the Burghs, relevant to our local area.
  2. To receive by transfer, gift or purchase records and items relating to the Burgh.
  3. To catalogue and store archival material for the benefit of the community.
  4. To develop, maintain and apply appropriate preservation policies to the best of our ability.


The collection prefers to receive materials directly associated with the Burgh for the archive as a gift rather than as a loan. Photographs can be loaned, digitally scanned and returned, if desired.

No items will be accepted without clear evidence of ownership; provenance and copyright information will be an additional bonus.

Selection and disposal

All materials will be assessed, and in the event that materials offered to the collection are not deemed to fall within the scope of the Collection, the committee will return such items with thanks, or dispose of them as is deemed appropriate.

The committee reserve to the right to reject offerings.